Monday, June 30, 2014

May 2014 Meeting Minutes

WMQG met May 3, 2014 for our monthly meeting. Great attendance this month!
 May fabric swap was purple. June's fabric swap will be black and white scraps.
 Charity quilts were completed and shown to the group. These will be delivered to our charity, The Treehouse. We are now working on wonky log cabin blocks for the next batch of charity quilts. The middle square should be solid yellow (any shade), with any other colors completing the 12.5" block. Please remember to try to coordinate the colors in your block....wonky doesn't mean ugly! If it turns out pleasing to your will probably be pleasing to others! 
Fabrics are available from our charity fabric bin if you need/want something different to use to make your charity blocks. As with our previous charity block challenge...the person who makes the most wonky log cabin blocks by the August meeting will receive a gift card! Please keep track of how many blocks you make.
 We played 2 rounds of quilt bingo using quilted bingo cards. This game was a lot of fun! The instructions to make your own bingo cards are on the Fons and Porter website....we do expect to have more fun playing this game again. 
 WMQG met at DuBois Farm Retreat on May 31st for an all day sew in and potluck. Many thanks to RoJean for allowing us to gather at her retreat center- it was a lot of fun!
 Michael Miller fabric challenge is due to be completed and have a photo uploaded to the Modern Quilt Guild site by July 26th. Please bring your quilted,completed projects to the July meeting. Material Girls will have a display of our completed projects.
 Some discussion was presented about QuiltCon 2015. You may find more information on the MQG website. Several people have discussed going, and some rooms are reserved, with space open for roommates. We can expect to discuss QuiltCon 2015 frequently in the next several months.

Common Threads Quilt Show is June 26-28 at CenturyII. WMQG will have a booth. We will continue to sign-up for volunteers at our June meeting. Each member is reminded to bring a bag of individually wrapped candy at the June meeting for our booth table. We will have new guild postcards for the table also. Please bring any modern quilted items you want to consider having displayed in our booth to the June meeting. We will decide as a group what will be displayed in our booth. A large quilted banner with our logo is being made/quilted for the show. 
 Guild t-shirts are in and will be distributed at the June meeting! If you haven't paid yet, the shirts are $20 and a few extra were ordered. Additional shirts can easily be ordered for those who want a shirt. It will be encouraged for you to wear your guild t shirt when volunteering at the Common Threads quilt show to help spread the word about our group!
 Jo, Julie and CJ brought projects for the show and share. We look forward to seeing June's show and share projects!
 Jo did a wonderful presentation on free-motion quilting. It was exciting to see Jo's skills in action and how far she has come in the short amount of time she has been quilting. 
 CJ will be bringing treats to the June meeting.
 On the June meeting agenda we are planning to have a speaker from Midwest Sewing on sewing machine maintenance and repair.
 Our guild has seen a lot of growth in the last few months! Welcome to our new members, and I am always happy to see all of you and glad you chose to be an active part of our guild! Please continue to invite friends (and strangers). June sew-in dates will be announced soon. 
 As always, we want you to feel welcome and a valued part of our guild. Any ideas,thoughts, or suggestions are always welcome!
 Remember, you will always receive a 10% discount at Material Girls with your guild membership. Material Girls is the ONLY quilt shop in town that offers us this great be sure to thank the wonderful MG ladies!
JUNE MEETING: Saturday, June 7, 10 am at Material Girls---see you there!!

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